I don't really like studying or writing papers, well that's kind of a lie, sometimes I like writing papers, just not on a days notice or in the middle of the night or when I have no clue what I'm talking about. Those three things describe me writing papers this week....But, when all of my notes and school supplies and computer and paper writing locations are all in order I'm good to go. At Baylor I have three main places where I study and write papers: Common Grounds, a great little coffee shop right next to Campus, Panera, a great restaurant/cafe not near campus, and the library.
All of these places have a few things in common:
1. They serve coffee, at Panera you can drink as much coffee as you want, and the library has free coffee at 11:00pm when the coffee shop closes.
2. They open before 8am and close after 6pm. The library is open 24 hours a day.
3. I can go to any of these places and be sure I'm going to be able to find a seat.
4. I can go to any of these places and be sure I'm going to be able to find a place to plug my computer in.
5. Between these three places I can sit inside or outside, hide and not see anyone at all, or run into everyone I know all at the same time.
6. They have Internet access...and it's reliable.
and sometimes I would wake up really really early and go to Starbucks because my roommate worked there!
So, props to Waco and Baylor for catering to my study needs!
Over the past few days, all I've done is research and write papers, which is why I'm writing this blog about it :-) and I've made a little list....
Reasons I Can't Study in Edinburgh:
1. I walked past four coffee shops and they were all swarming with people and there was no where to sit down...
2. Shouldn't I be making friends and exploring this great city while I'm here?
3. I'd rather write a blog than write a paper about indigenous people in lowland south America.
4. Someone told me the library has asbestos....I still go, but I'm kind of scared.
5. You aren't allowed to take hot drinks into the library because you might spill burning coffee on someone.
6. When its freezing outside its hard to leave the warmth of my room. When its nice outside its hard to go inside and study.
7. We have to pay a LOT of money to print things out here...maybe they're just trying to go green.
8. The library closes at midnight, most coffee shops close at 6 or 7.
9. Until last week, I hadn't written a paper in 5 months!
10. I don't like studying in my room, but here my bedroom is the only place in the flat to get Internet, so I have to work at my desk in my room.
11. I like to wake up really early and go somewhere to study, nope, no where to go here before 8.
12. This is my senior year and I'm just ready to be DONE with this school thing :-)
13. If you had to choose between planning a trip to Paris or writing a paper what would you choose?
This is me day dreaming about Paris!!!!!
speaking of writing papers, I have to write 1000 more words for my essay about democratization, yuck....
Yesssss and when you write one more word...you'll only have 999. I realize that was profound! You can do it! I'm cheering you on from a million miles away! Love!
You are hilarious! Only 1000 words to go? Didn't you need 3000 this morning, or afternoon in scotland? So you're 2/3 of the way there? That's pretty good. And, if you were in Waco, you could study, but you couldn't go to Paris at the end of the week. You're almost there! :)
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